Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Get this man nominated! Plus, teasers!

So I'm trying to start a new segment, get this man nominated! It's pretty strait forward, I beg for someone to nominated, who fully deserves it, and He/She probably won't.

#1: Alan Rickman, for his part of Prof. Snape, in Harry Potter. Look, you hate him, you love him for hating him, he's just amazing.

#2: Adam Baldwin, for his role as Cor. John Casey, in Chuck. His sensitive, heartless, and deadpan delivery is perfect and dead on. Unfortunately, he was passed up for "Best Supporting Actor" in the Emmy's. Another man passed up was...

#3: James Roday, for his role as Shawn Spencer, in Psych. He improvises most lines. Enough said.

Future Episodes...

Yes, an episode is overdue. I am hoping to post one next week. But to tease my episodes currently being written, I will show these clips. In the first one, is a clip from Bones. It may not make sense if you dont watch Bones, but just watch for John Francis Daley:

Next, in a seperate Episode, Zooey Deschanel

And playing Zooey's nephew in the same episode, Bo Burnham. WARNING! MAY CONTAIN CRUDE COMMENTS AND LANGUAGE!

Hope you enjoy the videos!

Friday, July 10, 2009

OD'ing on two things

Yes, I'm OD'ing on the 25th anniversary of Ghostbusters... on Ghostbusters. First, I bought the first two movies (9.00 USD at Wal-Mart together). Next, They released a Ghostbusters Video Game, I'm planning on getting it. It looks awesome, plus the entire cast came back for it. Finally, My favorite video game, LittleBigPlanet, is adding Ghostbusters content, as shown on the picture. On the note of LittleBigPlanet, the Narrator of that game, Stephen Fry, is the other OD. He also plays a character on "Bones", a psych named Dr. Gordon Wyatt, but since I just got into Bones, I haven't seen him yet. He also played the "Q-esce" man in "Stormbreaker" (Horrible movie, great cameo), that's my lfe right now.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Last night, I watched the movie "Frost/Nixon", an amazing movie about the interviews given about Nixon by David Frost. Now, this is just one of the movies I am dying to see in my lifetime. I found I have to write those movies down, so here goes.

#1: "Juno" - This movie is supposed to be funny, and heartfelt. At least the first part I'll like.

#2: "Across the Universe" - As some of you may know, I'm a HUGE Beatles fan. This is right up my alley. And the lead actor, Jim Sturgess, is in my next movie...

#3: "21" - A movie about betting. Need I say more? I do. Okay. Kevin Spacey is in it. Now you're satisfied.

#4: "Annie Hall" - Now, I don't like both Woody Allen or Rom-Coms, but this sounded interesting.

#5: "The Jerk" - In my opinion, of the little I saw, it was the best Steve Martin movie. I've actually vowed to watch all of his movies, one a night, until I've seen them all, after he dies. I've only vowed that about one other person. he is...

#6: "The Hunt for Red October" - Sean Connery. This time, I don't have to say more.

#7: "Role Models" - I'm not hot for crude comedies, but this clip sold me:

#8: "When Harry Met Sally..." Remember how I said I hate Rom-Coms, well, this is the last one, I promise! With Billy Crystal, you can't go wrong.

#9: "T2: Judgement Day" - I recently saw the first one, and loved it.

and last but for sure not least, 10: "The Breakfast Club" - I know! One of the movies I reference the most I haven't even seen! Don't worry, I will, eventually.

These are just some of the movies I'm dying to see.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Episode #104 "It Did't Take 25 Years for this Wedding!" Part 3

(The Procession down the isle begins.)
Chris: (In a Princess Bride voice) Marriage... Marriage is what brings us together to day...

Lilly: Uncle!

Chris: Fine, but can I at least reference My Big Fat Greek Wedding?

Kyle: Can you do it right, future uncle-in-law?

Bruce: Let's cut a deal, how 'bout a Mamma Mia! reference, it's also a Greek wedding movie, just way better.

Kyle: Why do you love it so much.

Bruce: I really connect with-

Lilly: Please, can we get on?

(Kelli and Chuck)

Kelli: Do you like weddings?

Chuck: I guess so.

Kelli: I want loads of babies.

Chuck: All the power to you.

(David, Adam, Kristen, Teresa, Shannon)
David: God, this is boring.

Shannon: Wow, are you always so irreverent?

David: Yeah, kinda.

Teresa: Come on! Be quiet! He referenced Princess Bride, so you know it'll be good.

(Vivian, Shawn, and Pam)
Shawn: How about "In Your Eyes" to close.

Vivian: Finally, an actually romantic song!

Shawn: Your mocking me... aren't you?

Vivian: Yes, but it is a good song.

(On the altar)

Chris: Now, Kyle, will you say, "I do, I do, I do, I do, I do?"

Bruce: Nice one!

(Bruce high-fives Chris)

Kyle: Yes, I do.

Chris: Alright, Man and Wife.

(Everyone is celebrating, Shawn starts playing "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel)


Shannon: There's something beautiful about weddings.

David: Like what happens after.

Vivian: You're such a perv!

Jimmy: Aren't all guys? ... 'cept Shawn, the little saint.

Shawn: So?

Jimmy: So, you probably won't get married because you don't go after people.

Shawn: True, true.

Teresa: Everyone gets married, right?

Kelli: I know I will. (She waves to Chuck. He waves back.)


I know that this is WAY overdue, so I'm glad I could distribute it. More episodes are coming, some that take place during the school year, some, over the summer. Comment!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Farva's Final Say On: Towel Day

As you may know, on Tuesday, I celebrated Towel Day. This is derived from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", one of my top 5 books. This is the passage from the book.

"a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: nonhitchhiker) discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with."

The holiday was started to honor the author's death, and now it's a big deal, even getting it's own website, towelday.com. I even plan on getting that passage framed and putting it in my dorm room, right next to my "Big Brother is Watching You" poster (1984, another great book!). Oh, well, I do want to eventually post part 3, but I just can't find time. But now, without the Core 40, I might. How did you do?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Character Bios: Chelsea

This is a character I plan to introduce soon, I don't know when, and, for the first time of non guest stars, she's an original character. She's not based off anyone. Chelsea is going to have an one episode intro, and, if you like her, she'll come back. Chelsea is introduced as Jimmy's girlfriend in an upcoming episode, "El Dia De los Dancos", and all the girls take a liking to her, except Pam, who thinks she's a bit of a ditz. Jimmy ends up singing 'Chelsea Dagger for her. Needless to say, she's quite impressed, and Jimmy isn't the only guy that likes her either. She's homeschooled, but her parents are considering the school our "friends" are attending. Chelsea is very smart, but a little gullible. I picture her being blond, and of average height, but don't feel this is mandatory.

And below, "Chelsea Dagger"!

Monday, May 11, 2009

An Explanation

The last two posts have featured the DMV records for Charles Hyde and Brendan O'Finnigan. I want to now explain. They are two of the four lead characters of my movie, "Peace of Mind". You know, the one with Boston songs. Well, if you like Boston, of want to suggest ideas, please do! Also, the answer to last week's question was: A reference to "General Hospital", because a wedding took place in the 25th season.

The reward would of been that you can ask any one question, no matter the spoiler, about my show. Also, you could submit a episode to me, and I'll accept it into canon. Also, you can just suggest episodes for me to write.

New Question: "My next episode will be called 'Pecks, Lies, and Idiot Dates'. What movie is this referencing?"

Comment your answer and the rewards above will be rewarded!